Picture window on the Dutch landscape

Friesland, in the north of the Netherlands, is known for agriculture, speed-skating and proximity to the islands of the Wadden Sea, where many Dutch spend their holidays. This house project was a total renovation carried out over two years. The owners used Smink Studio tiles in three locations, most spectacularly to frame two 1.8m / 6 ft. wide windows that look out across the flat landscape and hypnotic sky.

As much as possible was reused or recycled in this renovation. The solid wood floor along with the chairs and other furniture was sourced from Marketplaats, the Dutch equivalent of eBay. The house was disconnected from gas and infra-red panels were installed for heating with electric boilers for hot water. The energy will be supplied by soon-to-be-installed solar panels. And most important of all, the house was fully insulated.

The 1.8m / 6ft wide picture windows are separated from each other by a column of tiles, with more tiles either side of the door and window. In contrast to the landscape, the tiles have a 3d surface that creates interesting light and shadow effects. The design suggests the Amsterdam School of architecture as well as wainscotting / panelling, although here the tiles extend to the ceiling. A row of yellow tiles along the bottom is an unexpected detail. Bullnose tiles at the corners make a smooth transition from one plane to the next.

At the front of the house, screen-printed tiles echo the design of those at the back of the house. They stretch from reclaimed countertop to ceiling. The semi-random (but carefully thought-out) pattern includes tiles in M998, a solid matte glaze that mimics the look of raw terracotta. And the black stripe across the top? This is actually an old wooden beam from the time when this space was a barn.

Returning to the back of the house, a small kitchen takes the colour and Relief tile designs of the picture window wall and mixes it up, scattering the tiles in a more or less random pattern across the small kitchen backsplash. Upstairs, a simple insulated chipboard is applied to the outside walls to keep the heat in and the cold Friesland winters out!

The view is north across fields and towards the Wadden Sea, which is only a km or two away. It’s the perfect place to watch the days and seasons change.

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